

Miscellaneous photos from around the world



The events and groups shown below were not necessarily affiliated with the All-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Fellowship (diaspora).

United States

The Baptist church in Rudka (Рудка), Chelm county (Холмщина) in Poland [near the Ukrainian border], celebrated its 80th anniversary on August 1, 2004. Many Ukrainians were members of this church in its early years, including Sophia Harbuziuk and Rev. Alexander Huryn. Sophia was baptized in a nearby river in 1943 by Rev. Nicholas Dubovy, who was the pastor for a few years during World War II. Rev. Huryn attended the anniversary celebration and delivered a monetary gift from the Ukrainian Evangelical  Baptist Convention in the USA toward remodeling of the building. The original church building stood on the same site.



Rev. olexa  Harbuziuk Legacy

Пастор олекса Романович Гарбузюк