Rev. olexa Harbuziuk Legacy
Пастор олекса Романович Гарбузюк
Find out more about Ukrainian Baptist churches in the United States and Canada. more
Pastor Ioann Ustenko was elected president of the Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Convention in the USA. more
Chuckles, humor
History of Ukrainian Baptists in America
Save a Life International
Mission activities
Famous people whom Olexa met
This web site is a tribute to the life and ministry of the Rev. Olexa R. Harbuziuk (Олекса Романович Гарбузюк), who was a pastor, an eloquent preacher, a radio broadcaster, a church association leader, and a magazine editor among the Ukrainian people.
This web site also is intended to honor the efforts of other people who labored along with Rev. Harbuziuk in various aspects of the ministry.
This site is intended to provide information to Rev. Harbuziuk's descendants, relatives and others interested in his life and ministry in serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Hopefully, it will inform researchers, historians and others interested in the history of the Baptist movement among the Ukrainian people.
Because Rev. Harbuziuk lived most of his adult life in the United States of America, many of his descendants and relatives do not fully understand the Ukrainian language or not at all. Therefore, the English language will be used mostly. (Please note that although some people spell the surname as Harbuzyuk or Garbuziuk or Harbusiuk or Garbuzyuk, the correct English spelling of our family name is Harbuziuk.)
Besides historical information, I have included more recent information and news items dealing with the Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Convention in the United States, its churches and their members. Also, some items refer to former members of the Ukrainian Baptist Church of Chicago, of which I was a member until moving out of state in 2019.
I hope Rev. Harbuziuk's legacy will inspire you to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, to live for Him more faithfully, or to bring back fond memories.
Sincerely, son Alex Harbuziuk, July 2012
З повагою, Олесь Гарбузюк, син; липень 2012
Olexa's writings
Contact me
Alex Harbuziuk
Olexa's travels
Olexa's biography
Current and former members of Ukrainian Baptist churches who have been called home by the Lord are remembered. more
Olexa's ministries