Rev. olexa  Harbuziuk Legacy

Пастор олекса Романович Гарбузюк


Ordination anniversary

50th wedding anniversary

At the 50th anniversary dinner, Olexa and Sophia have a photo taken with the youngest of their 11 grandchildren -- Olivia, who strikes an adorable pose.

The article at right was printed in Narodna Volya, a weekly newspaper.

Olexa and Sophia Harbuziuk were honored for their 30th anniversary at the same time that Tony and Vera Berkuta were honored for their 15th wedding anniversary in 1976. This special celebration occurred in Philadelphia, possibly in October.

Sophia and Olexa celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in October 1996 at a banquet hosted by their children at The Hamlet restaurant in Carol Stream, Illinois. 

Olexa's brother John and his wife, Martha, attended the 50th anniversary dinner.

30th wedding anniversary

40th wedding anniversary

Some of their good friends who helped them celebrate were (from left) Gabriel and Ksenia Blonsky, John and Anna Pochodenko and Kathy and Mike Bereza.

Добрі друзі, які прибули на святкування 50-го ювілею подружного життя Софії та Олекси були (зліва) Гавриїл та Ксеня Блонські, Іван і Анна Походенко, та Катя і Михайло Береза.